Ms. Valerie Oxner


Welcome to Third Grade at The Burg !!  My mission at Lewisburg Elementary is to instill a lifelong love of learning in a safe, yet challenging, loving environment that encourages self-discovery and academic excellence.

Thanks, Parents, in advance for all you do to make your child's success a priority!!!  I've always said, "We are the best because YOU are the best!"

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to email or call.




Resources that are great for extra practice! 

www. (phonics) (grammar)







Mrs. Oxner’s 3rd Grade Schedule

7:05-7:35      welcome / breakfast
7:40              announcements
7:45-8:05     Patriot Block
8:10              1st Block

9:15-9:35      Recess

10:30            2nd Block

11:00-11:25   Lunch

12:25-1:15    Activity  

2:15              Dismissal


Classroom Rules

1.  Follow directions the first time given.

2.  Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

3.  Respect yourself, your school, teacher, and others.

4.  Be prepared for class. (ex.- paper,pencil,notebook,homework)

5.  Think before you speak.

6.  Follow ALL DeSoto County and Center Hill Elementary student handbook rules.



one check - warning / lose 5 points

two checks - detention / lose all points

three checks - discipline form / detention / lose all points

four checks - office visit / discipline form / detention / lose all points

Five discipline forms result in a full day of ALC.



Students will be rewarded with positive praise, treats, stickers, special jobs, positive notes home, etc.  Students are able to buy homework passes, lunch passes, extra   points on a test, & treat party passes with the points they earn for good behavior. 


Parents and Students,               

Third grade is always a fun year of change for students. This year will be the last elementary year, and the transition can be difficult for both students and parents. However, it is an exciting time of growth & learning. 

Reading Comprehension Assessments (60%) 

Grammar, Spelling, & Vocabulary  (40%)

Grades & Papers
Graded Papers will be sent home every Wednesday in a folder.  Please sign and return the form attached the following day (you keep the tests).  Grades are available on PowerSchool.  Please contact the school office if you need help with the login / password.

How Can You Help???
*check and review homework pages for each lesson (I do not assign homework for a grade)
*discuss tests that come home in graded papers
*have your child explain in detail what was learned in class (if they say “nothing” keep pushing!!!) J 
*contact me if there is ever a question or concern

This year responsibility is the key word. Students are learning to make choices that affect outcomes. Students are responsible for taking notes to prepare for tests, writing down & keeping up with their own assignments, and being prepared for class. They will be held accountable for every decision & action they make...writing their names on their papers, checking both sides of worksheets, completing all of an assignment, turning in completed work on time, having needed materials, etc. EXCUSES ARE NOT ANSWERS!!

I look forward to an exciting year.  Thanks in advance for all of your help and cooperation to make your child’s education a success!

Valerie Oxner


